selling you our products. ARYAN TRADE WORLD PVT. LTD has been working in the area of
safe disposal of electronic waste. Since Multi functional devices and other electronic items
are made of hazardous constituents under our global policy as well the legislation passed by
the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MOEF), called E-waste (Management) Rules, 2016,
which comes into effect from 1st Oct 2016,

• ARYAN TRADE WORLD PVT. LTD. will seek shared responsibility and cooperation from
customers in reducing the environmental impact of their products.
• ARYAN TRADE WORLD PVT. LTD. will comply with all the applicable laws related to e-waste
As a part of e-waste recycling initiative, ARYAN TRADE WORLD PVT. LTD. has partnered with
3R Recycler, India’s leading electronic asset management and Disposal Company to comply
with E-Waste management and Handling Rules in providing environmentally sound
management of end of life electronics.
3R Recycler – As part of this partnership with 3R Recycler, the company will provide
e- waste drop off centres and ensure environmentally sound management of electronics
that have reached their end of life phase. 3R Recycler has obtained all the necessary
authorizations from the appropriate governmental agencies for their processing facilities. 3R
Recycler ensures proper recycling and disposal of e-waste. This helps us protect the
environment from any hazardous consequences, which would be otherwise caused by the
inappropriate waste management of e-waste.
In case of any queries regarding the proper disposal and/or recycling of electronics,
consumers can contact the helpdesk at:
Toll Free Number –
North India-1800-102- 8632,
South India -1800- 843-3303,
East India – 1800-843- 3301,
West India – 1800-843- 3302,
Email –